ASDAN programs 2023
Towards Independence – Animal Care including horse riding/driving
This course is multi levelled for participants with a range of abilities and needs. It covers the basics of caring for a horse, feeding, housing, grooming and health and in the second term participants get the opportunity to learn to ride or drive. It is delivered over two terms and is a two hour weekly program helping develop many different skills. A commitment to two terms is required.
Towards Independence modules- half day programs
Our half day programs are non riding and incorporate ASDAN Towards Independence modules such as Developing Communication Skills. Participants spend 2 or 3 hours at APRDA doing a variety of activities that will help them with independence skills. Our programs are designed to blend learning in the classroom with hands on activities such as creating vegetable gardens, spending time with horse and learning about animal care.
The modules are externally moderated and a certificate of achievement recognises the type of support given to the participant.
This “Preparing for adulthood” program focuses on 4 units which can help develop your employ-ability skills such as reliability, punctuality, working in a team and completing tasks to a standard set by the workplace.
Units cover:
- Health and safety at work
- Responsibilities in the workplace
- Working with others
- You at work
This program will be delivered over two terms and is a 2 or 3 hour weekly session with an ASDAN tutor and is ground-based (non-riding).
This program is externally moderated and certificates of achievement will note the type of support given to the participant.
Animal Care or Volunteering Short Courses
These short courses are multi-level and allow participants to develop a range of skills including problem-solving, IT, literacy, numeracy, team working along with exploring animal care or the world of volunteering. The courses accommodate participants who are new to horses along with those who have knowledge and experience of horses. A capacity to explore issues such as safety around animals, why people volunteer and similar topics is required along with basic literacy.
The programs will be available each term and are 2 or 3 hour weekly session with an ASDAN tutor and are ground based (non riding).
This program is internally moderated and participants will receive a certificate of achievement.
Can I get funding from NDIS?
APRDA are working hard to deliver services and supports that participants need to have a fulfilling and independent life. Our ASDAN programs help to deliver life skills and we will be encouraging participants to seek support from NDIS for our ASDAN programs.